Faith, Family, and the Future: A New Year's Kickoff
Arun: All right, welcome to the Hi Pod.
Are we good?
Are we good?
We're good.
He's back.
All right, we're good.
Here he is.
First episode of the year.
Happy New Year, guys.
Happy New Year to you.
Excited to be back.
Excited to hear what you
guys have been up to.
Ps Adam: I'm excited to
hear what you've been up to.
I mean, what I've been following.
You've been Australia, Thailand.
You've been cooking
butter chicken meat pies.
I did it for
Arun: the podcast, guys.
Ps Adam: It's so, I'm,
I'm fasting right now.
So my mind is fixated when you said
that earlier about a chicken meat pie.
My, I can't progress.
It hurts.
Oh yeah.
I shouldn't
Arun: have mentioned it.
Let's just reset.
I didn't make butter chicken meat pies.
I guess me saying it is making it worse.
How about you guys?
What are you guys up to
over the holiday break?
Vance: Uh, from Christmas to new year, we
spent some time in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Um, the tech Mecca of, no, no,
no, they actually, it's, it's
a, I learned it's a golf city.
I don't really golf, uh, but they
do have a cool family resort there.
Um, and the one we stayed at, my
kids went on the water slides like a
hundred times, like no exaggeration.
And so it was nice seventies,
uh, kind of that dry heat.
It was amazing.
Got to visit one of our.
Uh churches that are on
the overflow platform.
And so it was just a great time.
It was fun celebrated two
birthdays and christmas.
So Uh, kim wesley And
it was a festive time.
It's good.
Yeah, that's a lot.
Yeah questions Do you guys
Arun: do because you're so those birthdays
are really close to christmas, right?
Do you do two separate things
or do you do one joint?
Wesley's on Christmas.
Yeah, Wesley's on Christmas.
Wesley's on
Vance: Christmas, shares it with
Jesus, if you didn't know already.
Um, and, uh, Wait, wait,
let me take a note.
And, uh, Kim's on December 27th.
Yeah, you, you, you try
to do, uh, Separate?
But Kim is just gonna be forever bitter.
Cause she's like a party, she's
a party animal and so she just is
bitter that there's no friends around.
And everyone's occupied.
Yeah, everyone's occupied with
family and stuff like that.
They're like, your birthday, Jesus.
Ps Adam: It's hard to compete.
Arun: What about you, Pastram?
Ps Adam: You know, we, uh, we probably
heard the, uh, I would say it low key, low
key Christmas and, uh, no frills New Year.
Uh, we literally, we were
literally just chill.
We, we had a lot of going on in the
church world and, uh, you know, I
would say it would probably be our
most spiritual, uh, New Year's.
We got a lot of time, downtime to read a
lot of scripture, prepare for the year.
We, we formed new prayer habits
and, uh, have been fasting
from the beginning of the year.
So it feels like a long time ago now.
Um, but honestly it was pretty low key.
Got a lot of time with the
girls, which is just so good.
You know, at the age they're at,
um, you know, young adults, it
is just a thrill when they want
to hang around and just do stuff.
So we spent between
Christmas, new year's coffee.
Dutch bros guns and guns shooting Was
that the first time they shot or that was
the first time they had used the rifle?
Yeah, and and the pistol Yeah, the
first time they were shooting was that
Vance: sensation like
Ps Adam: actually I was so
impressed because we did a
whole coaching I did gun safety.
I uh, we walked through, you know
the whole thing and you know, my
girls they get Kitted out for it.
So they put the camo gear on, you
know, they want the pick, they want
the whole, whole Instagram journey.
But, um, it was, it was really cool.
And, uh, I'm now anticipating my
Christmas present, which I got a
new hunting bow Oh, for Christmas.
So that's the next
evolution in being a hunter.
And, and, and running.
You're running with, uh, Zara?
Running with Zara.
So just doing, um, as much dad
daughter stuff as possible.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I just like, why do anything alone?
Do it with your kids, uh, when you can.
And, uh, it was, it was honestly.
Probably what we needed
Arun: more than what we wanted.
That's awesome.
If you haven't, go check
out Pastor Adam's Instagram.
You can see all this.
It's a fun follow.
All this, the guns, but that
runner post was, was really good.
Oh, that was a Nike post.
That was a Nike post.
I was like, who shot this?
Ps Adam: Zara is very, very
skilled in video editing.
I'm trying to direct it towards film.
Something because she's just got the
natural, just, she just does it like
I take a photo and then she gets
dead and she'll tell you, I'm like,
hang on, we're using the same camera,
Ps Adam: using the same
camera here, it's, it's wild.
Yeah, that's impressive.
Uh, who was the best shot?
The best shot was, uh, I'm going to
say, I mean, Deer is unfair advantage
because Medea has done it before.
Um, but Zara was most committed and
she, she got on target at 320 yards.
Arun: Yeah.
Ps Adam: takes a lot of skill to
Arun: do.
And you have a, you don't
have a sniper rifle.
You got a, you got a sniper rifle.
They shot the sniper rifle?
Oh, very cool.
Oh, very cool.
It's 3 0 8.
Oh, nice.
Nice, nice.
Yeah, it's got a
Ps Adam: loophole at our scope and yeah.
Yeah, we, my, my longest shot has been
about just over 500 yards, but, um,
that's, that's where I have to take
that is pretty much from the front of
the property all the way down the back.
And so no one can be home, you know,
because I have to shoot past the house,
, you know, , I don't want anybody walking
out with the trash, you know what I mean?
So, yeah.
Arun: What's the, what's
the range on the gun?
Ps Adam: I mean, the scope can
go pretty far, but I think you
could, you could definitely hit
up to a thousand yards for sure.
Arun: Impressive.
Well, welcome to the Gun podcast, . Yes.
We're just changing it up.
We're about to.
We only have 40.
We're trying to improve
our follower account.
That's the gun podcast.
This will will change it.
Trying to get
Ps Adam: some men to follow this thing.
Arun: But yeah, if you're new,
this is, uh, the high podcast.
We do tech faith innovation.
Um, but to start off this year,
before we get into all the tech
that we usually do, I wanted to see
what you guys have planned for 2025.
What do you have been doing?
You talked about doing some prep
spiritually for the new year.
What do you guys got for the new year?
Ps Adam: Wow.
What a, what a way to open it up.
Let me reveal all my plans.
You know, the, uh, I think this
year, uh, my word, let's maybe we
start with the word for the year.
The word is fruitful.
Um, I want to be incredibly fruitful
in every area of life as a father, as a
pastor, as a friend, as a business leader,
I want to make sure that I'm fruitful.
So I'm just trying to assess what would
it look like to bear fruit this year.
and what would be good for it.
Uh, and I think that, you know, when I
go around, uh, when I just digging into
the Bible, this over the Christmas, New
Year's break, it's really, I realized
that God inspects fruit, he not just
inspects, he expects fruit and, um, you
know, there's a really hard passage in
the Bible in John to get your head around,
which is, uh, Jesus saying, I cut off
any branch that doesn't produce fruit.
And it sounded like, Oh, wow, that's,
um, I better, Better make some fruit.
Um, I don't want to get cut off,
but I think it, for me, is like
just really assessing what does it
look like to have a fruitful year?
Vance: That's beautiful.
Yeah, actually my word for the year, um,
a little bit odd, but, uh, simplify is
something that God was really speaking
to me towards the end of last year.
Last year was like a really complex,
dynamic, um, year, a lot of kind
of new things that we endeavored
into and things like that.
And all that is good.
And you grow and you know, our
business grew like four X year over
year and all that type of stuff.
But naturally, in that complexity, you
can kind of get lost in Miss Some things
that are like the main thing, right?
And so this word simplify has
been just really healthy for
me, at least in the season.
I don't know if it'll carry on throughout
the whole year, but, um, even just having
that word in my mind, tackling slack
and emails and different situations.
Now I make quicker decisions.
Cause I'm like, Hey, what's,
what's the decision that is
going to be scalable, effective.
Um, and what's the
fluff that I don't need.
And so, um, that's been,
that's been really good.
Arun: And for some people out
there that haven't done this,
I've had like a word for the year.
Do you have a word?
Yeah, I have a word.
Uh, mine's relationship.
I think it's like different
than previous years before.
I think I've usually been so
focused on like all these goals
for my personal career and like
all this kind of stuff and like.
This year has been all about, it's
going to be about three things,
faith, family, and friends, and it's
just, just the relationships there.
Then I have a sub word around
that, which is the action.
I just got to do stuff.
I'm a classic overthinker and I just
want to just do like, that's, that's
what this year is going to be about.
What's an example?
Um, I think it comes to like any
big purchase, any big move, like
career wise, I always overthink, you
know, what are the pros and cons.
And by the time I've done
that, it's been like.
Well, past the time when I
should have just started.
So I'm just, I think it's all about
speed and just going, going for it.
Ps Adam: always tell overthinkers,
overthinkers in my life and
my coach, my coaching of them
is go with your third thought.
That's a good, no, it's
something I invented.
So I haven't told you before, but I tell
people, I tell overthinkers go with your
third thought, because I find overthinkers
always have a great original thought.
They talk themselves out of it, which
is their second thought, but then
their third thought is, but I could.
Go with that.
Ps Adam: go with that one.
Ps Adam: It's not about, cause I
think wisdom is in the assessment,
but then you've mustered the courage
to, no, I think I could do it.
But then you overtook,
it's this back and forward.
Just go with the third thought.
Arun: Yeah.
That's really good.
There was somebody, um, I was
listening to this video, maybe
on, on YouTube or something.
And it said, there's two ways
that people think about the world.
And it's, um, you see what you want.
And there's other people that
see the things that are in
the way of what you want.
And so I the obstacles in
the way of what you want.
And so I think it's just, If you want
something, just go get it and then you
can deal with the consequences later.
So, um, that's it for me.
So yeah, but for the people out there
that you can do it, cause you got Schultz.
Yeah, exactly.
You went after it.
I got that.
So now I'm like, dude,
what am I waiting for?
Didn't overthink that.
Um, Yeah.
For the people that don't do one words,
you guys have been doing it for a while.
I learned it from since I came to vibe.
And so it's helpful, right?
It's really helpful.
I think it's helpful.
Ps Adam: Just helpful.
Just to distill things down to something
that you can go, I'm going to, I'm
going to frame everything around this.
That's very helpful.
Arun: Yeah.
And I think it's like.
It kind of goes to what you
were saying about simplifying.
I think having just one word, you kind of
have all these things you want to do for
a year, but just having one thing kind of
be the action plan for, for your years.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.
Um, any, any goals,
any goals for you guys?
Ps Adam: Oh, I mean the goals
are, the goals are clear.
You know, we've got a big vision.
Uh, actually funny enough, we've
got a really big vision obviously of
planning campuses, but our goal that
we've been setting the church up.
that most people aren't aware of behind
the vision is to be, to really build
the greatest discipleship model of
church that has ever been constructed.
And I know that beautiful, it's kind
of audacious thought, but we've really
been trying to work in the background.
If we're going to keep launching and
building and reaching cities for Jesus
by planning churches, how do we make
sure that every church feels like a
discipleship center in a local church?
And so we've got a new model for that.
Um, and, uh, we're iterating on
that as we speak, but, uh, I think
we've, I think I'm very excited to
see what that looks like this year.
What have
Vance: you seen?
Uh, so I, I listened to this podcast
the other day, Models and Mentors.
I was really inspired by it.
It's this, uh, leader,
it's influential leader.
And he was just talking about, you
know, a lot of the step functions in
life that he's had, uh, professionally
in his church, in his career.
have been through different
models and mentors.
And so, you know, it doesn't even
have to be outside vibe pastor
Adam, but like, what have you seen
in discipleship that hasn't worked?
Um, or maybe from afar or even up close,
what have you seen work really well?
And has, has different models
helped shape, or are you like,
no, I'm going from ground up first
principles and God speaking to me
about how we're going to do this.
Ps Adam: Yeah.
I think I look at different models to
assess what hasn't worked because if it
was working, I think we just all do it.
And so I looked at different models
and a lot of discipleship models are
actually just discipleship programs.
Got it.
That people put a program together.
And I don't think
discipleship can be a program.
That's probably my assessment.
So really coming back to first
principles, what are we trying to achieve?
I feel like, um, assessing the church
as first, who are we discipling?
That's got to be the first
thing because not everybody that
comes to church is a disciple.
Um, what we had to delineate was
who's a member of the church that
we want to disciple and who's a
crowd who's coming just on a Sunday,
but not really looking to grow.
There has to be a buy in to discipleship.
You know, Jesus offered the disciples,
follow me, and then they left their net.
So there has to be a two way buy in.
There's a cost.
Ps Adam: And the cost is membership.
Membership saying, hey, I'm committed.
And then from there, it's looking at what
tools, what's our, what's our growth goal?
What do we see on them?
How do we section that out through
the year, through teaching series, but
then what are the tools to apply it?
You know, it's like, um, you know, you
go to school or university and you would
do a lesson, but then you do a practical,
you, you, you would do a, some kind of
expression to get that into your spirit.
And that's kind of how we've framed
discipleship this year is how do we
actually not just teach on evangelism,
but how do we produce evangelists?
So what are the tools?
In that series to make
sure it gets into our life.
And as a result, we don't just
know about evangelism, but
we're living as evangelists.
So we're, we're, we're not just
learning about spiritual warfare, but
we're engaging in spiritual warfare.
And so that's kind of
how we framed this year.
What is the application?
And I think discipleship is in the
outworking of spiritual knowledge,
not the input of spiritual knowledge.
Does it make sense?
So I would call someone a disciple if
they're living out the call of God.
Oh, for
Vance: sure.
That's really interesting
how you started that.
Just know who you're
discipling first and foremost.
Yeah, you know, you know that that's
an interesting concept because not
to like business ify the church
Yep, too much but in business.
Yeah, it's kind of clear
who your customer is, right?
Yeah, it's like, you know, you know
your customer because they they bought
something, you know what I mean?
the church is a little bit more
dynamic because there's so many people
that are sitting in churches that
might not ever quote unquote Yeah.
Buy something.
Invest into something.
Give to something.
You know what I mean?
But they're still in the church.
And so, but, but it's kind of like, um,
the church has a multifaceted purpose.
Obviously one of the primary
purposes is to make disciples though.
Make disciples.
And so, um, I can see how that's so tricky
in church life is to try to delineate our
responsibility to have a big front door.
Hey, um, we really want
to seek and save the lost.
Obviously, that's one of the
church's mandates, but at the
day, the most important thing is
that we're also making disciples.
How do you reconcile what kind
of seems could be competing?
Vance: Yeah.
Ps Adam: Sometimes.
I mean, it's, and, and what
you tend to do otherwise is you
start to try and serve everybody.
Um, but there's people who aren't
invested at different levels.
And so you're giving the
same kind of discipleship.
Or goals or focus or attention to someone
who's a, you know, a tithe tithing,
committed, attending a regular invested,
uh, person, family versus someone who
shows up, you know, Christmas, New Year's,
you know, or Easter, you know, it's like.
Hang on.
There's different levels of
commitment here and there is.
So we, we launched membership, which
is not like a club membership, but
we treat it like a family membership.
Who's part of the family who
is in this thing together and
let's, let's walk with you.
Now we're, we've got a
very easy onboard to that.
It's just like be committed, be committed
as a giver, be committed as a tender.
That's a pretty low bar.
It's like a pretty low bar.
Um, but then that's a membership
and that's who we're committed to.
Arun: Yeah.
So what do you see, this is actually a
question, like a conversation I started
having after one of your messages
late last year where you talked about.
The role of a pastor at the end, I think
you said it as like, um, at the end
of one of your messages where you said
the role of a pastor is not for me to
echo what I get from God, but to guide
you to create a personal relationship
that you have, um, with God, right?
I think I
Ps Adam: said, uh, the, so the
difference between a pastor and a priest.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
So, so a priest will pray to God for you.
Will take your prayers to God.
Whereas a pastor will connect you to God.
Arun: Right.
And so after that, I started
having this conversation about
the role of the church, right?
And so for, you know, people that
become committed, become members
of the church, you want to have.
A personal relationship because
of the guide that you got from
the pastors and the church to
get you that personal worship.
And then you're committed to the church to
help bring other people into that light.
And so I've always seen the church
as like a beacon for those people,
but the people that are in it then
become help grow the church there.
Do you agree?
Is there anything more outside of that?
Ps Adam: I mean, if you, if you actually
take, uh, first Corinthians and you
take Paul's approach, um, my job.
is to empower you to do
the work of the ministry.
I'm not doing the work of the ministry,
but a lot of churches come to watch
them minister, minister, you know,
and go do ministry on me, right?
And it's like, um, okay, cool, that's
needed for a season, but then when
do you switch from being minister to
me to now God minister through me and
let me be a minister in the world.
And so my job, I definitely think, and my
role has to have has definitely changed.
I think in the progression of the church
when Vance and Kim were first here,
they were literally the first people.
And so my role was pastor.
My role has is less pastor now.
My, and I'm not claiming, don't
start calling me like a puzzle,
but it's more apostolic and I'm
releasing pastors to shepherd people.
My job is to keep thinking
kingdom expansion.
Uh, how do we, what are the teaching
series that we're distilling down
through the church and how do I lead a
spiritually forward is leadership and,
uh, empowering pastors to shepherd and,
uh, care and all those kinds of things.
So I would say that it's my job
is to empower you with tools,
insights, teaching, so that
you go out and do the ministry.
Arun: And it's within the church or
is it like outside of the church or is
it within kind of the vibe umbrella?
Or is it like not really
a difference to you?
For you or for me?
Yeah, for me.
For like the people that you've
like kind of released this on.
Ps Adam: I would say it's
to expand the kingdom.
Arun: So it doesn't matter where It is.
Ps Adam: Well, I mean, this is, I
mean, if we want to take the podcast
this way, um, I think to expand
the kingdom, right, is we're going
to look at, well, what's your job?
Your job is to take people
from the kingdom of darkness
into the kingdom of light.
So your primary job beyond sweet,
beyond overflow is as a follower
and a servant of Jesus Christ.
Vance: Right.
Ps Adam: And your job is to, because
you're in a kingdom now, you're no longer,
so you've got, what we have with spiritual
warfare is we've got two kingdoms.
We've got the kingdom of darkness
and we've got the kingdom of light.
Now you have become in through
becoming a follower of Jesus Christ.
He saved you from the kingdom
of darkness and he made you a
citizen of the kingdom of heaven.
But you weren't a citizen in the
kingdom of darkness, you were a
slave, you were enslaved by your sin.
And now he freed you,
that's why he, we're saved.
He freed you and Colossians 1, 14,
it, uh, Colossians 1, 13, it says that
he transferred us from the kingdom of
darkness into the kingdom of light.
Okay, so it was a transference that
happened through the salvation process.
Now what you've got to understand,
actually, Effectually live out
your Christianity is you got to
understand what a kingdom is.
It's different from what we know
within America We live in a democracy.
So we vote, you know, we have opinions
in the kingdom You don't vote in a
kingdom you you live under the laws
the culture on the characteristics
of the king Yeah, we have a king.
His name is Jesus, right?
So in the kingdom there is laws principles
like sowing and reaping Uh, first
shall be last, last shall be first.
These are principles that
when you put, when you prefer
others, God will prefer you.
There is, there is principles and laws
that happen in the kingdom that for
So, kingdom subjects, not even citizens
so much, but subjects of the kingdom,
those, those laws benefit our life.
When we, uh, understand there's
a culture of the kingdom, you can
actually point to kingdom culture.
So kingdom culture is honor,
um, peace, generosity.
These are all kingdom characteristics and
culture because they reflect the king.
So when, so you can literally look
and go, Oh man, that's so kingdom.
You know, when someone is generous, you
Ps Adam: go.
That's a kingdom, right?
But then you can actually contrast and
identify then what's the anti kingdom
culture, which is darkness culture,
which is, uh, depression, anxiety, fear,
all these things become a contrast.
So our job as subjects of the
kingdom is to extend the kingdom.
What is the kingdom?
It's the rule and reign of God, of Jesus.
So therefore, then you take your
platform of overflow So we, or
whatever it is, and you go, how do
I expand the kingdom in that sphere?
God has given me a realm.
Now one of the characteristics
of the kingdom is excellence.
So I'm going to do my work with
excellence, but then how do I glorify God?
And how do I expand his rule and
reign, his kingdom in this sphere?
And that's what we get to work out.
That's my job.
As a pastor is to say,
Hey, how do you do that?
And how do I empower you in
your, in the crypto world?
How do I encourage you to do that in
the philanthropic and generosity sphere?
How do I empower you guys with ideas?
So you not just live it, but you model it.
And you expand it
Arun: so
Ps Adam: good.
Arun: That's really good.
That's a free teaching for you
guys But that you asked it, right?
Ps Adam: essentially what you're
you're doing and that's my job as a
pastor is to not come in there and
go Hey, bring me to your workplace.
Let me know You do it.
You'd be the pastor, the minister
in that space because you're the
kingdom agent in that sphere.
Arun: And it's like the
best way to scale too.
It's like, it's the only
way to scale really, right?
Only way to scale.
That's amazing.
But I
Ps Adam: think ministry has, people
have looked to do ministry on a Sunday.
Arun: Mm
Ps Adam: hmm.
No, no, ministry is like
a, a learning, equipping.
So you go out and you do
ministry in your marketplace.
Arun: Yeah.
Vance: Yeah.
It's interesting, right?
Because when you hear about the
stories of prolific Christian
business leaders, right?
It always goes kind of to
the same families, right?
The Cathay family.
The green Chick fil A, right?
Um, yeah, the green family Hobby Lobby.
I was just thinking the other day, I
was like, man, there needs to be more
because how come needs to be way more?
How come, you know, the, the one that
we point to all the time is like, I
love it, but it kind of makes me fat.
You know what I mean?
Like, it's just like, you
know what I'm talking about?
Like those fries are.
It's so good.
Like, it's so good.
Like the hospitality is world class
and I'm not trying to discount
anything that they've done.
I'm just saying there needs to be more.
Like, why can't we have like an athletic
brand that's also kingdom led, right?
Why can't we have a fintech
company that's kingdom led?
Why can't we have a crypto
company that's kingdom led, right?
Like every sphere.
Why do we have to always point
to one to two families, right?
So maybe the Cathay family
was in a really good church.
Right, that got equipped and
empowered, right, to, to take
their realm really seriously.
And I
Ps Adam: think one of the key factors
and what you'll see with the Cathay
family, the Green family, and you, I know
you've spent time with them personally.
What you've reported to me is
it's, it's not profit first.
No, it's
Vance: kingdom first.
It's kingdom first.
It really is.
Otherwise, Chick fil A would
Ps Adam: open on Sundays.
If it was profit at all costs,
they would make so much more money.
They wouldn't sacrifice a sundae.
You know, that's like every
day, that's probably the day
people want to eat it most.
I always, I always get headbanged.
They're Christian.
They do have a good church.
If only they weren't Christian.
But, but literally it's not profit first.
And so I think what you would ask,
well, what's first is kingdom first.
We're trying
Ps Adam: to put kingdom first.
And I mean profits up there because I
mean to, to, to stay around and keep
growing you have to be profitable.
But it's a mech, it's a mechanism,
but it's actually about profit
serves the expansion goal.
It's not the goal serves to get profit.
Vance: Yeah.
And it's interesting.
Cause I've, I've grieved a little bit.
Uh, because there are certain people that
have used like Jesus as a logo and have
had clout for maybe two, three year run.
I mean, like Kanye is one of them.
Um, I don't think he
listens to this podcast.
We'll talk openly, but no, it's just
like, I, I'm, I'm more so come at us.
No, no.
I just more so come at it from
a perspective of like, man,
that, that grieves my heart.
That like in a season and I subscribe
to that album, like, um, uh, his,
his album, gospel, Jesus is King.
It was beautiful.
I thought it was beautiful.
It had a moment, but because it was more
a logo than an actual like systematic sad.
You know what I mean?
It's sad because It's short lived.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Vance: Yep.
You know what I mean?
But then you have other
organizations like the Catholic
family, like the green family.
It's like so deep.
Vance: That this is going to last decades.
Vance: Right.
And it's like, okay, cool.
Can we reconcile those things?
Can we take these other
really cool industries?
That's really influencing culture.
And can we create companies that sustain?
That's not Jesus as a logo.
Arun: Yeah.
Vance: But it's Jesus in our
values and our principles.
Sustainably over time,
Arun: you know, why do you
think what are the challenges?
Because I mean you're running a
kingdom first kind of business
now Like what do you think are
some of the challenges to do that?
Cause there is a lot of people out there.
I mean that are listening to this
podcast Oh the mirage of money
Vance: and riches right
clout and connections, right?
It's all it's all of that.
Yeah, uh, you know I think
you know a lot of these people
Likely have a very genuine Yeah.
Uh, and then, you know, the, the enemy's
probably just so deceiving, right?
Uh, where when you get a level of
excess success, when, when you feel
like, Oh, I have to do this to get
to the next level and you start
compromising, it's probably a slippery
slope from it not being a kingdom.
Focus anymore.
And so, um, you know, uh, not too
long ago, actually at Vive, um, there
was somebody that you brought up,
uh, beautiful, uh, you know, mother
in our house, her name is Tricia
and you brought her up to, to do
this testimony about her vision, uh,
commitment that she ended up fulfilling.
Cause she just felt so burdened
by the Holy spirit to get it done.
And then, uh, on, on one end, she.
Testified to the fact that right
after she gave she got a claim.
That was three times the amount that
she had just given the night before in
the mail, like one of those stories.
And she had forgot about this claim,
this accident from the past, but
the next thing really got me right.
The next thing she said, um, You know, I'm
not going to say the details cause I don't
know if she wants it in this context,
but she said something about her son and
her son got breakthrough in this thing.
She had been praying for and Kim
and I just started like tearing up.
And God spoke to us separately, um,
about our vision commitment and we didn't
have the means to go all the way, but
we had something to get pretty close
and it was, it was so funny because.
The enemy was at me, man, like in that
moment during worship, like, cause I,
you know, this kind of self serving,
like we use overflow at, at, at vibes.
So I like logged into overflow,
connected my, and it was actually
from my retirement account.
So I didn't, um, I don't
really think about it actively.
And so I showed Kim the amount
I'm like, Hey, we can get close.
And then the enemy was at me
because you don't realize where
you're putting your security.
Until you're willing to risk it.
that's true.
You know what I mean?
And the
Vance: enemy was, I mean, I was so
locked up with anxiety in that moment.
It was like literally during worship.
I'm like not worshiping.
I'm being a bad Christian, like
on this, you know, this app.
And so, um, it wasn't yellow energy.
It was, I definitely feel like it
was faith filled because I felt the
Holy Spirit speak to us separately.
We talked about it.
We confirmed and all I
had to do is press submit.
I had to obey.
I think that is
Ps Adam: worship.
I think there's worship because
worship is submission to the King.
When you come in worship, your
worship should be a posture of
unbowing and surrender to the King.
And if your worship is just me
lifting my hands and feeling
like, yeah, this is about me.
You're missing the fact that maybe
in worship, God's saying, Hey,
you got to fulfill that thing
you said you would commit to.
And as hard as it is, you chose
submission in that moment.
And I
Vance: remember like, so
I was so anxious, right?
I pressed submit.
No lie.
Supernatural peace.
Wow, like it left but super natural
peace because I was like, okay god's
got it right and um after that actually
a lot of things transacted in our life
that has been such a blessing but in
saying that I realized I don't want to
stop listening to the whisper of God.
I think that's when it doesn't become a
kingdom initiative anymore is you stop
listening to the promptings of the Holy
Spirit and he doesn't talk to you anymore.
That's like the scary part.
And so
Vance: like.
I think I felt peace, but I also
felt joy because like, okay, cool.
I'm still willing to listen to you guys.
Thank you for giving me the ability.
I only, only by the Holy spirit.
Am I able to do that?
Thank you for giving me
the ability to do that.
That's so good.
Ps Adam: I'd love to maybe
put your question back on you.
What would that look like in the, the
world of crypto to lead with kingdom?
Arun: Yeah, I think, um, I think if
you think about crypto and I hate
to say it, but if you think about
crypto, all you hear is this really
casino culture kind of scammy kind
of, you know, pump and dump schemes.
Um, I think a kingdom first mindset is
taking what crypto does really well,
which is full transparency of assets.
Um, and putting that towards a cause
for good, which is things that.
Would we typically use for like charities,
churches, those kinds of organizations
and building something on top of that.
Because what we do at, at Sui and
Mistin is we build infrastructure
and we hope that people will
build apps on top of that.
And it was actually at the last,
um, event we had at church, the
last hype event we had at church,
um, somebody was building a giving.
App on Solana.
Um, I forgot the name of the app, but
I, I, if I remember, I'll definitely
add in the show notes, but, um,
that is what I always envisioned
as something that, Oh, Patrick.
Yes, Patrick.
Yeah, yeah.
Um, he was building a, a giving up on
Solana and that's what I envision on
crypto is that kind of, cause you can see
where money is coming in and coming out.
And I think for a lot of people, when
they go to give, they just want to know
their money is going to the right place.
Um, and after that, they're like.
pretty comfortable with giving, you know,
what they were going to give originally.
Um, and so that kind of transparency
in crypto, I think we can build
something like that and, and shout
out to one of our co founders
who's also, you know, big in faith.
He also wants to build
something like that.
And so, um, and so I, I mean, I'm
just like really excited for that
level of application to then.
I feel like give crypto a better
name by doing things for good.
And I think you can get kingdom first
through kind of your actions in that way.
Ps Adam: Yeah, I like that.
Cause I think one of the main avenues
to, uh, expand the kingdom is through
a redemptive process to take what has
been, uh, geared for worldly gain.
And to flip it on its head
and make it for kingdom gain.
And that's one of the greatest redemptive
processes of kingdom expansion.
Arun: Yeah, that's incredible.
So if I had to summarize kind of what you
were saying is like for those people out
there that are trying to do kingdom first
thing it's like we talked about something
like spiritual warfare like the enemy is
there's a lot of noise out there But a lot
of noise if you Are ever trying to figure
out are you still going on the right path?
You've got to make sure you still hear
god's voice through that noise, right?
Vance: I i've been
mistakes along the process.
I think i've i've sometimes
went against god's voice, right?
I've i've let you know certain
people in i've taken certain money.
I've done certain things that maybe
um, I didn't consult the holy spirit I
say that because You're never too late.
Vance: You know what I mean?
You don't have to be like, Oh man, and
this, the origin story wasn't a kingdom.
Like redeem it now.
Start listening to the Holy Spirit.
Invite him in now.
You know,
Vance: um, because he
can redeem all mistakes.
Um, and so that, that
would be the encouragement.
Kanye, if you're out
there, there's still time.
Since you're listening.
Kanye is like,
Ps Adam: man.
Thanks guys.
He's like, what is it?
Who knows?
You never know.
No, I believe he's listening.
Love you Kanye.
Vance: Hey, no, but Wesley, uh, Huff
was on the Joe Rogan experience.
He is a Christian apologist from Canada.
This just released.
You got to check it out.
Oh, I haven't.
You mean, you
Ps Adam: mean the new America?
Vance: What do you mean?
Oh, you've heard of this?
You haven't heard?
The New America.
Canada's becoming part of America?
Oh, come on.
What about our 51st state?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yes, I do.
Sorry, what was he saying?
Uh, no, but it's just, uh, I think
it just released yesterday, um, a
really prominent Christian thinker.
On the Joe Rogan podcast.
Oh, I've got to listen to this.
Vibe shift, guys.
Oh, who?
The country has a vibe.
His name's Wesley Huff.
I didn't know him before.
I don't know.
So basically, you guys
gotta check this out.
Uhhuh . It's gotten mega
viral at this point.
Uh, there is this guy Billy something.
Mm-hmm . I forget his last name.
He is a pretty popular figure
online, pretty much trying
to discredit Christianity.
Discredit the Bible, you know,
one of those type of events.
Get in the queue.
And so, and so, um.
This guy, Wesley, who's like a
Christian apologist ends up getting
on his podcast and totally it's
a little bit hard to explain.
You have to watch the clip,
but totally like dismantles
Vance: it's kind of like.
You know, he had a, you know, with
your pants down moment, right?
Where he just got totally like revealed.
Um, and what happened
was it was mini viral.
And so what made it mega viral is
he put some lawsuits against Wesley.
And then the internet just blew
it up because he put lawsuits.
Telling him to take down those clips.
Vance: and that just
mega blew it up so much.
So that Joe Rogan heard
about it and got him on it.
And so now it's a mega, mega, mega.
Ps Adam: a good background.
Vance: But, but all that
to say, I say that because.
You have a really prominent
Christian thinker on the Joe Rogan.
It's pretty cool.
That's really cool.
It's pretty cool.
So they talked about faith Bible for three
hours, three hours and like 10 minutes
Arun: about Joe Rogan.
He's such an open,
Ps Adam: he's just
Arun: so open.
He loves to chat about love it.
Ps Adam: Like you'll go from mushrooms.
One podcast to.
You know, bow hunting, to bibles,
Arun: to dragons.
By the way, if you haven't heard, I forgot
the guy he interviewed about the pyramids.
Oh yeah, I have heard some of that.
Fantastic episode.
Yeah, I forget the name
of the guy, but yeah.
Interesting stuff, man.
Yeah, really interesting.
But speaking of vibe shift, I
mean, we should get into it.
Yeah, what's on the phablet?
Meta, censorship, we
gotta talk about Mark.
The Zuck.
Oh, yeah.
Gold Chain Mark is my favorite.
Yeah, Gold Chain Mark, he is.
He's the best.
He really is crushing.
How did
Vance: he change his perception
in America so quickly?
I think he Kind of like Trump, right?
I don't know.
This is crazy.
We need to study that.
Ps Adam: went from Nerdville into,
um, curly hair, UFC fighting.
Vance: fighting.
Gold Chain wearing.
Ps Adam: I think he went from I'm going
to fight Elon to I'm going to be Elon.
Vance: Yeah, a little bit.
Ps Adam: He's just like,
he's billionaire rockstar.
But he's definitely learning.
I cannot deny the fact that
he's learning from Elon.
He's looking, I think he's like, Hey.
Man, I got to pay homage.
Elon's smart.
He's, he's definitely gone down
this, this anti woke channel
and he's looking at Elon.
He's going, you know what?
Community notes.
Oh, that's kind of smart.
Why are we paying fact checkers?
Uh, we, we just, yeah,
I'm going to be Elon.
Let me, let
Arun: me set this up before you
guys get into it real quick.
So the people out there that don't
know, this is what's changing at Meta.
So Meta knew that they've kind of
gone over a little bit too far.
Oh yeah, overwoke.
And so, uh, Mark Zuckerberg yesterday,
I think, or two days ago, two days
ago, um, just released a video where
he's talking about all the changes that
are coming to meta and some of the,
some of the notes that I took down.
So they're dumping their fact checkers.
Like you said, they're going to
replace them with community notes.
Um, they're simplifying content
policies to encourage more debates,
like, you know, you have on Instagram
or like issues on immigration agenda,
more political, more political,
they're making a change, how they
enforce policies to reduce censorship.
I think that the kind of
overarching thing is they don't
want to Punish innocent people.
They were over censoring innocent people
that were getting flagged And they're
going to be working with trump to push
back on governments around the world
including europe Um, and so and then the
last one is they're moving from california
to texas for their content policy Team
Vance: that is so funny.
The whole speech was hilarious.
Well, cause he's obviously saying
California is super biased.
Ps Adam: Yeah.
We've got, we can't find anybody here.
We can't, we
Vance: can't find any unbiased
people for the community.
No, it's, it's funny.
Not willing to live here.
It's, it's, it's funny because For
Mark Zuckerberg, um, I think a lot
of people would say this for him,
imitation always beats innovation.
So, so he is like the best, like I'm
gonna learn it from you and do it better.
And that's a valid business strategy.
And he's obviously been super successful.
The other thing I have kind of
Intel into is I know some people
on their social media team.
And they were telling me
they had this whole meeting.
Uh, where the PR firm within Meta
basically did this whole presentation
of how as a social media company, the
sentiment around Mark is just so bad.
So they had to give him a glow
up, like literally this has been
a systematic and it's working.
Like, so hat tip to Mark Zuckerberg
for being open to it, but also hat tip
to this PR team that's crushing it.
Cause I kind of like them.
Ps Adam: That's really cool.
Cause he's got a baggier shirt now.
Oh, it's, it's, he's
Vance: fashionable.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like, his, his, uh,
posts are semi likable.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Semi cringe, but semi likable.
Like, it's amazing.
He was just this
Arun: robot before, but
now it's like a person.
And, and his,
Vance: his wife, Priscilla's
like, she's like first lady.
It's like, it's incredible.
Arun: Yeah, they're
Vance: both going to UFC.
She's doing like lessons.
Ps Adam: So, so what do you think this
is going to, do you think this is driven
from like a genuine place of like,
Hey, we're learning from our mistakes
or is it, Hey, our market capped is
capped here because we're actually,
I think it's more of the latter.
I think it's more of the latter.
Arun: I mean, I think it took.
Trump getting into office to,
I mean, like, I don't think
he was going to do this speech
Vance: if
Arun: Biden
Vance: was still in office, right?
Ps Adam: But do you think that's
genuinely Mark's position?
He's like fed up with being pushed
around and bullied by the woke
mob or he's like No, I actually
see the benefits financially.
So so that's a good
Vance: point because I do think
there's two Caricatures here, right?
Because there's this question that
some people ask, which is, is politics
downstream from culture or is culture
downstream from politics, right?
I think you can go either way.
Clearly, um, in Mark's situation,
it seems like his culture is
downstream from politics, right?
But it seems like, Elon's culture can
shift politics because I, I still, if I
were going to make a bet on what was the
most influential thing about this past
election is when Elon bought Twitter.
I still, that is my, that's my bet.
A lot of things happened, you know,
uh, Trump getting, you know, shot
at and all that type of stuff.
All that contributed.
Vance: But I think one of the
most significant definitely.
And when that happened and it shifted
the whole vibe, I'm like, Elon's
culture is pretty strong, man.
Like it's pretty compelling.
Ps Adam: Yeah.
I agree.
I think, I think what we've seen Elon
do is he set a new trajectory that was a
zig when the whole industry was zagging.
It was a complete opposite reaction.
It was.
That was a huge bet that paid off.
Huge bet.
Mm hmm.
That paid off.
High risk.
High reward.
And I definitely think it takes someone
who's not profit minded only to do that.
There it is.
I think Twitter
Arun: is still a mega loss for him.
Ps Adam: So, and I'm not claiming
Elon to be Christian, but that's a
kingdom esque kind of move that even
when it's not profitable, I have
a conviction on what I need to do.
And I think that that's, that's
that kingdom mindset that I've got
a core conviction about Christ is
going to be expanded through my life.
And so I'm going to gear my business
to achieve that at all costs.
Yeah, not just if it benefits me.
Arun: Yeah, exactly.
I actually wanted to touch on something
you asked about is Does Mark want this?
He created, you know, Facebook at the
time when he wanted people to connect.
Maybe it was just to copy, you
know, an existing thing and just
start it himself and do it better.
But I don't think anybody
wants this woke thing.
I don't think really anybody wants this.
No, but he
was playing the game on the field.
Arun: Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
That's what
Arun: saying.
Well, I think there are people that want
Ps Adam: it.
Arun: Oh,
Vance: there's definitely people
Arun: that want it.
Right, right.
But not the masses.
I think it's like a loud minority, right?
It's like a very small.
But powerful.
But powerful.
Powerful minority.
For sure.
Ps Adam: I really think the whole
woke era, and we'll probably
look back on this in history and
go, well, that was a woke era.
And I'm so glad it's, it's, it's kind
of coming to an eclipse because I think
it was a perfect storm of scenarios.
You know what I mean?
I don't think.
I don't think that just happens
on its own with those loud people.
I think those loud people
are, are empowered.
I think there was, uh, so
many circumstances that
really went into feed that.
And I think it just took a
leader, a leader, leadership.
And I think Elon was the
leader that led us out.
And I think that.
Uh, Donald Trump, uh, got on the
Elon, uh, wake and that was, that
was really definitely got, you
Vance: know, it's, it's, it's interesting
because it's oddly encouraging.
If you look at the situation, like
four to eight years ago, you couldn't
show me one person in the Valley.
Silicon Valley, right.
That would be willing to endorse Trump
without fear of being fully canceled.
And for now I feel like at least half.
So, so why I'm oddly encouraged,
like no matter what your situation is
right now, you can have a vibe shift.
Like it can really shift for you.
Like, that's crazy.
That's a, that's on a national global
level, your situation in life, whatever
it is, however dire it looks, uh, if
you're running a company and it's.
It's difficult.
That's true.
Like, there could be a bat shit.
Ps Adam: Can I ask a question?
I don't know, I'd love to know you guys
opinions, uh, what do you think the game
plan is here on the other side of Donald
Trump doing the Canada play, the Greenland
play, and the Gulf of Mexico play?
Like, what's, what's this?
In the Panama Canal.
Let's add that in there.
Oh yeah.
What's behind this?
Arun: I actually have no clue.
I actually have no clue what.
Do you think he's trolling
or is it a game plan?
It just came out of nowhere if I like.
Ps Adam: came out of left
Arun: field
Ps Adam: for sure.
Arun: so it just feels almost like,
not like a threat, but just like.
I'm doing stuff, you know, like
I'm doing something, you know,
Ps Adam: yeah.
I mean, just, it feels like
it's like America's back baby.
You know what?
Hey, Canada, you really belong to us.
You've been there for a while,
Arun: but maybe,
Ps Adam: girl, girl,
just come back.
All right.
You are North America after all.
And I feel like he's taking everything
that's got some like Gulf of Mexico.
No, it's Gulf of America and Panama.
Can we own that?
It's America canal.
Uh, you know, I think it's
like It feels it's branding.
It's a brand.
He's a
Vance: beautiful marketer.
Oh my gosh.
Well, I don't know if it's beautiful
is the right word, but he's a bold,
he's a prolific, he's a prolific
marketer and um, it is America first.
It's just so funny.
Like even just with that
type of stuff, right?
Vibe shift is like, you just see
those statements about America's back.
It's like people love it.
Ps Adam: Did you see his,
his, his son is in Greenland.
Trying to broker a deal.
what are they doing though?
To buy Greenland.
Ps Adam: Like, isn't that crazy?
My question is, do I not know about
natural resources that are very beneficial
to America in Greenland and Canada?
Arun: How much is Greenland
gonna be, you think?
Let's see, I can check it
out while you guys chat.
Yeah, I
Ps Adam: mean, what did we pay
for California back in the day?
Wasn't it like 87 bucks
or something like that?
Vance: Nah, I think it was
like a million, but yeah.
I mean, a million back then
is probably like 40 billion.
You know what's crazy is I think
California, just as a state, is the
sixth largest economy in the world.
Maybe even higher.
Ps Adam: So, is that up for grabs?
Like, that countries can be in
that much deficit that another
country can just come and buy them?
It becomes like the Greenland of
Vance: America.
Yeah, I wonder what is in Greenland, huh?
But Greenland is, it's
the opposite, right?
Greenland is actually full of ice.
Arun: we're going to have
to do some research on this,
but how much do you think it
Do you think it's like let's ballpark a
Arun: reference for one.
So us paid Denmark 25 million in
gold for the us Virgin islands.
So that can give you your
basis for what they pay.
Ps Adam: it was just the Virgin islands.
Now it's the us Virgin islands
because we bought it for 25 million.
Yeah, that seems like a bargain.
That seems
like a good deal.
I've never been, but there
was houses in Atherton for 25
Ps Adam: million.
And what led to going, Hey, we,
Let's buy the Virgin Islands
who makes those decisions
Arun: and why
Ps Adam: yeah, what's the benefit?
Vance: Why not own the Virgin Islands?
Arun: Marketing Gonna
come back on the next pod.
We're gonna do some education.
No, but we still want you
Ps Adam: to say say how much would you?
Pay for Greenland.
Yeah, how
Arun: much would you pay for Greenland?
Hmm 25 million in 1917?
500 million.
Arun: No.
500 million for Greenland.
a steal.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm going to say with inflation.
It's a steal.
I feel like it's a steal.
You like, you think it's
worth at least a billion?
At least a billion.
Arun: Yeah, a billion seems like.
If I was Greenland.
Arun: I want a billion.
I don't want to leave for
anything less than a billion.
I want a billy.
You gotta, yeah.
Ps Adam: What are they doing with Canada?
It's a whole country.
What are they doing?
How much would Canada cost?
Arun: Yeah.
Oh, Canada's got to be.
Ps Adam: That's got to be a trillion.
A trillion, right?
Arun: Yeah, easily.
A trillion.
Vance: All the Canadians
are going to be so offended.
That's all.
Well, you do have attitude.
Ps Adam: No, I think yeah, I mean Canada,
I mean you've got some Canada ties.
Do you think that's a good move?
Like if it was a reality that, yeah,
that the Canadians could rise up and
enough people say we want to be America.
Or do you think?
Vance: Well, I think Trudeau's
already not gonna get elected.
Ps Adam: Oh, he's resigned.
Oh, he did?
I didn't see that.
Ps Adam: resigned.
Yeah, he resigned.
So Trudeau's out.
Um, he realized he's not going
to make it, so might as well
get out while the going's good.
Um, oh, but if
Vance: you're Canadian, would
you want to be part of America?
Yeah, do you think there is
Ps Adam: a subset of Canadians that
have always wished they were America?
And now they're like, oh,
gosh, we can make this happen.
Low key, low key.
I mean, come on.
Vance: I kind of think so.
Vance: on.
I know a lot of Canadians.
Let's be honest.
I think they'd be down.
Arun: Yeah, yeah.
Vance: Not, not because they're
like, oh, American's the best.
But I think they're just kind
of like, then let me ask this.
Ps Adam: How many
Canadians stay in Canada?
How many move to warmer climate?
Oh, interesting.
Do you know, I mean, oh yeah.
Does Canada all of a
sudden become like empty?
Vance: Mm-hmm . True.
True interest.
Ps Adam: There's
Vance: some great cities in Canada.
There are some, there are some.
Toronto's pretty nice.
Ps Adam: But weather wise, are you there?
Are you there because it's nice?
Or are you there?
Because I can't go any lower.
Arun: True.
One reason why they might say no,
we don't have free healthcare.
So, I don't know.
Maybe they bring that with them.
Free healthcare.
And education.
And education.
Maybe they bring that.
Maybe you bring the best parts.
And then we have like a mixture?
Ps Adam: Maybe
Vance: more
Arun: competitive.
Vance: we gotta give, yeah.
If there's just a state.
That's true.
We need to tie it back to the state.
That's true.
Maybe he's hinting at something.
The Canadian state.
Arun: Maybe we'll see it.
Um, but what do you guys think
this goes for, for Meta now
that they're doing back there.
Sorry, we're going to go back, but now
that this anti woke, not anti woke, but
the end of the woke era, what do you think
this shifts for the big tech companies?
Cause we're hoping this is the first
dominant of all, or at least I am.
I'm hoping Google's next.
So we'll see.
Ps Adam: I'm hoping Google's next.
I'm with you on that one.
What do I think?
I think it means, um, a bit, I
think it definitely, what I'm
taking away from it is, um, the
people's voice actually matters.
The real voice, the mass consumer,
not just the loud minority.
I think.
The consumer it has to be dollar driven.
I think they've assessed Yeah, what the
future looks like and hey, we have to
listen to the actual people who pay money.
Vance: Yeah.
Yeah, I Would fully agree with that.
I do think that there is this in
America's back the undertone of
that is Back to performance back to
exceptionalism back to excellence, right?
It's been kind of a pandering Listen to
my preferences type of culture within some
of these, especially big tech companies.
Um, and it's going to go back
to performance driven, right?
It's less about, um, inclusivity.
And I'm not saying so that, that, that
term has been totally robbed, right?
Because it's actually not a bad term, but
the way it has been abused has been bad.
But because that time that was the
North star, even at the sake of company
performance, What have we been doing?
This is not business anymore.
Vance: And so I think people are
just getting back to common sense.
Arun: I think it was, uh, I think right
before we left for break, uh, Vivek, I
think came out with the plans to change
how H 1B visas were, I don't know if
you guys saw this, but essentially
to what you were saying, to be more
performance driven, uh, in terms
of, I think there's like a big, huge
debate about, you know, kind of all
this, cause you know, visa is like a.
very touchy subject for people
that are trying to come to
the US to do any work here.
Um, but like you said, I think
that we are getting to the era
of you have to be qualified.
You have to be doing something
that's worth what you are receiving.
And so I think that's a good
thing for America in general.
And hopefully the tech
companies like take it on.
I agree.
Arun: Yeah.
And so the next tech company we
got to talk about the most valuable
tech company, I think still Nvidia.
Um, they just, they just had a
announcement show at a CES, I think.
Um, and, uh, Jensen Huang was announcing
that we are on the verge of the
chat GBT moment for, for robotics.
Um, so yeah, yeah, yeah.
I think it's project digits.
He has all, it was a
bunch of announcements.
If you guys want to check it out, we don't
have a lot of time left on the pod, but.
Um, a ton of announcements,
but I think we're really close.
This 2025 could be that year,
that breakthrough for we're
Ps Adam: in for a ride.
I mean, just, okay.
Let's just isolate that announcement for
a moment with what, uh, was happening at
Metta, um, man, 25 is off to a good start.
So if we're talking like this
year is the year of, you know, uh,
quantum computing, getting traction.
If we've got, uh, the HAPT
of robotics, um, we've got,
we've got these projections.
I mean, 2025 is going
to be a technological.
Up ramp.
Mm-hmm . Like it's just gonna
be acceleration moments.
So this is exciting.
Ps Adam: I, I dunno if I've got
any bearing on it, but I feel
like I'm, I'm an, I'm kind of
excited, more than anxious.
Well, I
Vance: took my first Waymo in,
it's really big in Phoenix way.
Like there's actually like
more Waymo's than Uber.
Arun: I just sort of stat that
in Phoenix they're taking over SF
like more so, and there's, yeah.
Vance: So, uh, they have
more marketer than lit.
Yeah, exactly.
I didn't know that.
In San Francisco.
So I took my first Waymo . Way better.
Well, oh my gosh, it's amazing.
Arun: I've never taken away most.
Vance: incredible.
Arun: driver at all.
Vance: driver.
Oh, there is a driver.
No, no, there's no driver.
Yeah, right.
It's like you bring one of your
people like remote controlling it.
From like, you don't even have
No, no, but actually because We
didn't have a car seat for Wesley.
There was like an Indian
person coming through the car.
Hey, next time, please like live.
So they, they are remote controlling,
but they're remote controlling multiple.
Arun: Yeah.
So it's like emergency
takeover kind of thing.
Oh, gotcha.
No, I'm with you.
I'm with you.
Vance: so it's, it's better driving.
Um, it's just.
More pleasant like it's not
somebody I mean don't get me wrong.
I'm a people person Like you're not
trying to talk right now I'm just
trying to get to where I'm trying to go.
You know what I mean?
Um, it always smells more pleasant
right in the way mo like there's
just so many amenities in there.
That is just better Yeah,
and don't get me wrong.
Like I don't want Uber to die.
Cause like, I think it's a sustenance of
a career for a lot of different people.
I just think there's
going to be more options.
Vance: but Waymo, I
would prefer, you know,
Ps Adam: talking about this, we had
a, we had a very unique experience,
uh, during just on Christmas Eve, we
went up to the ballet in SF and you
guys have driven around SF, right?
It's it's, I mean, to launch Waymo in SF.
You've, you've gone for the hardest part.
And so everything from
there is easy, right?
So, you know, Arizona, that's simple, but
we had a moment where we wanted to get
from the pier, um, and we wanted to get
to dog patch where our restaurant was.
No, I ordered an Uber.
So as Uber turns up, we jumped in the
Uber, but this guy was driving so fast.
Like, it's so scary.
It's so scary.
I had a moment in the car where
I realized I'm out of control.
My, my family, my entire
family is in this car at this.
I don't know this guy's
driving experience.
It was like the first time I've
ever been in an Uber and questioned,
I don't know his, his sobriety.
I don't know.
He doesn't seem like he's
paying attention too much.
And he had a little tick.
And so I'm like, is this guy sane?
Oh, that's freaky.
And so I'm in the car and I'm like.
I'm panicking.
I don't panic, but I'm panicking.
I got outta the experience and I
just, I said to her, I apologize
for putting us through that.
She's like, oh, whatcha talking about?
So she was quite fine and comfortable,
but I was like, man, this is a unique
experience that I'd never assessed.
And then I measured it because Wayne
Mos are flying everywhere, and I'm
like, I think I want to get on the
Waymo bandwagon because I feel like.
A computerized, you know, pay, they're
at least going to go by the rules.
And I felt like for the first
time, Oh, this makes more sense.
Vance: Which was a weird experience.
And, and that is actually the top critique
right now for Waymo, is they're slower.
Um, but they're always going by the rules.
They're safer.
They, they'll, so on a 40,
they'll, they won't go 41.
Vance: You know what I mean?
And so if that's the
top critique, I'm down.
Yeah, yeah.
Right, right.
Ps Adam: I'm down.
Because the, the speed this guy
was going at, I felt in danger.
It's not worth it.
And I was like, I literally
said to Kira, I think I've,
I've really lost faith in Uber.
Because the last couple of
drivers have been a little bit.
Like chatty or it's like, yeah,
they've been farting in there all day.
So you're like, Oh, no, it's musty.
It's musty.
I've been in like 60 percent of
Vance: Ubers musty.
Ps Adam: Yeah.
And I'm like, man, is
the, is the bar low now?
And I'm sorry to Uber drivers out
there who are listening to this
while they're driving, um, your
customers, customers, you're fine.
Um, but I think, you know,
it was a, it was a real.
terrifying experience of
something I was used to.
And I think it was because we saw,
I was comparing it with all the way
modes that we're driving around.
And you just
Vance: think about it, like Tesla gets
a hold of, and they're going to just
do it so well, it's going to be like,
there's going to be a luxury version,
like it's going to be crazy when Tesla
Arun: comes out with their ride share.
Oh my gosh.
It's going to be crazy.
I don't see why anybody
would take anything else.
I mean, like it's going to be way more.
Vance: really hope Elon just.
It's a good guy because he's
about to dominate the world.
He really is.
He's about to dominate the world.
He really is.
Lord Jesus.
I think he's smart
Ps Adam: because, you know, Waymo
are pioneering all the politics
around self driving cars, you
know, as far as like, uh, ride
shares and all that kind of stuff.
They're going to break the ice
there on the, on the Google dollars.
And then Tesla's just going to slot in
with the better, a better experience.
Arun: Yeah.
I mean.
I mean, I've heard a lot of
really good things about Waymo.
They have a ton of data.
They've been doing this since the
Google Maps era of mapping the world.
Um, and so I think, I mean, if
I had to bet, I think the two
biggest Yeah, but data's buyable.
I mean, but,
Vance: but
Arun: here, here's the
Vance: other thing, right?
No, no.
For us to realize here's the other thing
it's, it's actually a massive market.
It's probably one of the most
transformational things we'll live
through in the next 10 years is that
right now, even today, globally, only
1 percent of all rides, cause we drive
our own cars, only 1 percent of all
rights globally is actually some sort of.
Waymo or ride sharing.
Arun: Oh, even ride sharing,
even an Uber, including
Vance: ride sharing.
And so, and that, that might've
gone up, but it's not more than 10.
And so if you think about it, if you
believe the world should be 50, 60,
70 percent ride sharing or autonomous.
It's a massive shift.
Yeah, it's a massive one of my good
Ps Adam: friends.
He his son is 12.
Yeah, 12 years old He was
telling me that in his lifetime.
It's pretty reasonable to think that
he won't need a license He won't even
need to low how to drive That's crazy.
Okay, if that's a reality or not,
I can probably guarantee that there
is no need for Um, for my daughters
to learn how to drive a stick shift.
Oh, totally.
Now I want them to learn.
I'd love them just to
experience that skill.
Um, but I, I can't right
now cause I don't have one.
You can't rent one.
And so it was very difficult to teach
my girls how to learn a stick shift.
Um, but you know, I'm going to
have to invest in an old land
cruiser or something like that.
Um, but isn't it funny how like what
you could, you could easily see a
possibility where none of us drive.
Arun: Totally.
That's like the ideal world.
Why do we need to drive?
Don't say that.
You think?
Well, just for sport.
I love driving.
Formula 1.
No, but that's fun.
That's a
Arun: recreational thing.
Like, I go to a gun range to shoot.
Like, that's fun.
Like, I don't need to be
shooting a gun every day.
I don't need to drive my car every day.
But I would love to drive for fun.
That'd be great.
I mean, driving in
traffic is like the worst.
Ps Adam: probably what happens.
Oh, okay.
So you're saying there's a difference
between, like, the driving in traffic.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
That's probably the number one nuisance.
But like a road trip.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Road trip.
Yeah, that'd be Yeah, that'd be cool.
That's true.
Being behind
Arun: the wheel.
Yeah, but also Driving in the snow.
Yeah, it has to be like nice scenic views.
It's like, the ones that
are like for fun, yeah.
All that stuff, definitely
is the one to do.
Right, yeah.
Arun: that's,
Arun: But I mean, imagine if it gets
outlawed because it's so unsafe.
That's true.
This is my theory.
I don't think we'll ever
have fully automated roads.
Until there's no human drivers.
I don't think we're ever
going to have a mix.
Ps Adam: Yeah.
Cause the mix is unpredictable.
And there's no way to
Arun: like do the legalities of it.
Like, who do you blame
if something goes wrong?
There's no driver in your car.
So I think, I don't think there's
ever going to be a world where.
That's always how I've thought about it.
Ps Adam: Well, it's getting
so expensive to insure cars.
Maybe, maybe it's just the solution
is just like, you know, have the,
uh, Waymo's driving everywhere.
Arun: Yeah.
Before we leave, I
thought it would be cool.
I was listening to the All In podcast and
another podcast and they did predictions.
It's probably one of my favorite
things that they do every year.
They do the predictions and stuff.
So I wanted to throw it up to you guys.
Any, any field we can do faith,
finance, faith, tech, innovation,
whatever it is, big prediction for 2025.
Ps Adam: Um, Vance, what, what
field are you going to pick?
Vance: I'll pick a different field.
Um, I don't have one at the top of
my head, but, uh, I'll, I'll, I'll
pick more on the business side.
You want to pick faith?
Ps Adam: I wasn't gonna
pick anything but faith.
I'll take faith.
I'll take faith.
You take business, but
you have to go first.
Um, my, my prediction is
that we are going to see.
Um, a application, a usable application
that involves some quantum computing
level, that's going to be in a
usable application, but really,
what would be an example though?
I think that'd be crazy in, um, so
I don't think there's going to be
a personal quantum computing this
year, but some access to it that
will be through like a chat GPT or
some X grok, something like that.
Arun: Interesting.
Oh, so like consumer
level, consumer level.
Ps Adam: yeah.
That's pretty cool.
That's my prediction.
Arun: Yeah.
I mean, if I feel like if they have it.
To the point where even an
enterprise can use it, we're going
to see some pretty big problems.
Yeah, I just think
Ps Adam: things happen quicker now.
Arun: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree.
Ps Adam: speed to market, to the
consumable market is so fast.
It can happen in a year.
Arun: Do you need more time?
Vance: No, I think my, my take on the
faith space is probably going to just
start to trickle in this year and then
catch fire over the next few years.
I actually think, not to be self
serving, but I think what we're doing
at Hype, I feel like an expression
of that, it doesn't need to be called
Hype, is going to be necessary for
the modern church, um, going forward.
There's another church that we're
connected to called Awaken Church,
uh, and they have something, it's not
the same, uh, but it's their flavor.
It's called Pathfinders.
And I've seen it be so critical to
what they're doing in the church.
Um, and so I, I just, I, I feel
like God is going to have revival
in a lot of different ways.
One of the ways is going to be
through business and it's going
to be through business leaders.
It actually goes back to what
we're talking about at the
beginning of this podcast, right?
Is business leaders willing to follow the
Holy spirit, redeem their industry, right?
Build the kingdom minded company.
But I think it's those people not
doing it in silo being willing to
come together within their churches.
And be like a force, like a
force that cannot be ignored.
I was actually, okay, so this, I shared
this with Pastor Adam the other day.
Um, I was actually at this
mega church recently, right?
And, uh, went on site and
it's beautiful, right?
Like one of the biggest
churches in America.
Um, beautiful facility, massive
like event center type auditorium.
You know, prayer chapel, incredible,
you know, all those type of things,
all the bells and whistles, right?
You know, acres and acres and acres,
um, driving up though, right before
I got to the campus driving up, I
just realized that it seemed like
most of the businesses driving up.
Weren't flourishing, right?
Um, and I'm making a snap judgment.
I don't know the street,
their city as well as they do.
So I'm not gonna, I'm not doing
any judgment on them specifically,
but I just got this thought.
I was like, you know, what would it
look like for, let's say, even here,
let's talk about ourselves here at Vibe.
We're in Mountain View and there's a lot
of cool places in the Silicon Valley, but
this place we're in is kind of industrial.
Like it would be a tragedy, huh?
If in 10 years, This space
looked exactly the same.
Ps Adam: It would be.
Vance: Right.
Like, I think probably the purpose of
the church is that everything, if I
was doing its job, that in the next 10
years, there's no vacancies, like every
business is doing it with excellence.
Most of the businesses are
glorifying God with it.
And it's like a Mecca, like a Santana row.
But not with the prosh and the pretension
and all that, but it's like a Santana
row of excellence, but kingdom, right?
And so kingdom for Santana 25 yeah, but
I feel like it's gonna start to catalyze.
Yeah, and other in other churches,
hopefully more so at vibes as well
Arun: My my I know since I've been on
this podcast, I'm a big Google Homer
Yeah, I used to work there, but I
really really do it since the beginning.
I've always believed Google has been
the sleeping giant when it comes to AI.
They didn't want to Are you holding
Vance: your shares?
Arun: Yeah, still.
Vance: That's
Arun: why I mean, uh, wait,
I shouldn't have said that.
This prediction remains true
if I wasn't holding or not.
But, um, I've always said this.
They, they've had the tech.
They've had it there.
They didn't want to, they didn't
want to kill their search business.
They didn't release it.
OpenAI did it.
They, they released theirs
first and they said, game on.
Google is going to destroy, Google is
going to be the one stop shop for all AI.
There's a lot out there right now.
Google will be the one stop shop.
And I will say this.
If you haven't go check out Gemini
deep research, it's probably one of
the coolest things you'll ever see.
They basically mind.
So it's their version of chat
GBT and they have a, uh, a mode
basically called deep research.
And what it does is let's say you ask it.
I want to.
Learn about rocket science in the next,
um, for like a project or something.
It'll go in and it'll spawn a bunch of AI
agents to go do check a bunch of research
papers, aggregate all that information,
and then give you a plan of what you
need to do to learn about rocket science.
And I would love for, if you
haven't, it's like 20 to do it.
Definitely go check it out.
I would take like months of research to
figure out all that out and research it.
And this is all for free.
So what they have cooking over
there, and I think people talk about
this, but the stuff that we see,
they are doing internally already.
People are using these tools internally.
And I think you're going to start to
see Google really, really, really start
to pump out some tech across the stack.
And so I'm really excited.
Ps Adam: better phone.
Cause I mean, all this is
Arun: hinged.
It's all hinged on the phone.
That's true.
And I think, but I mean, everybody's,
I think this is consensus is that
Google's assistant is better.
Everybody's been talking about, I mean,
Ps Adam: they've been
sleeping for a while.
So it appeared,
Arun: so it appeared, but it was
Ps Adam: like just back channeling.
Arun: yeah, exactly.
So that's my big prediction.
And, um, I'm excited to see it.
I'm really excited for a faith.
A faith filled Santanaro.
That would be epic.
At somewhere I've grown
up, that'd be hilarious.
The difference, the difference of it.
Ps Adam: I mean, there's a bunch
of useless buildings around here.
We could, uh, flip it.
Arun: Hey, listen, there's no way to
scale better if you're around the area.
No, there's
Vance: literally a video only.
Right across the room.
Video only, really.
That's how you spell money laundering.
Like, who's, there's nobody that
ever goes into their parking
lot, but they're still open.
How is this possible?
Arun: I don't want to call the
person out, but there's a rug
store on University Avenue.
University Avenue.
That's been there forever.
Like, come on guys.
Ps Adam: I've never seen
anybody walk out with a rug.
Arun: Other products.
Come on
Find real estate
Arun: guys,
22 a square foot of real
Arun: estate.
One day I'm going to find
out what you guys are doing.
Um, but it's been a great pod.
I'm excited.
If you haven't, uh, please subscribe.
Please share this podcast.
2025 is going to be a big
year for The Hype Podcast.
We're going to get from 44 to 45, 000.
Can't wait for our 45th
listener, subscriber.
Excited guys and uh, cheers.
Yeah, welcome back guys.